Surgery for Deviated Nasal Bones and Nasal Septum

Nasal septum deviation

The nasal septum is the bone in the nose that divides the nasal cavity into the nostrils. A deviated septum is the condition in which the nasal septum or nasal bone get deviated or dislocated from its normal position. This deviated nasal septum cause nasal obstruction and affect normal breathing.

This is very common and some people even born with a deviated septum. A nose injury is very common cause of deviation of nasal septum.

Symptoms of deviated nasal septum:

Very common symptoms include nasal congestion, improper breathing through nose. One may also experience repeated sinus infections and other symptoms are:

  • frequent nose bleeding
  • a recurrent headache
  • complaints of snoring and breathing noise
  • facial pain

Treatment Options for deviated nasal septum:

If the medications do not help in treating the deviated nasal septum then, one may need to follow below treatment options:

  • Septoplasty: A surgical procedure to repair a deviated nasal septum. It helps in straighten the deviated septum. In this surgery, the surgeon makes a small incision in the septum and removes the excess bone to balance the breathing space. This is a quick surgery and the patient may continue to daily routine the same day after few hours of the surgery.
  • Functional septorhinoplasty: A surgical procedure to improve the nasal breathing and treat the nasal obstruction. It realigns the deviated nasal structures resulting into improving sleep quality and help to combat snoring.

If you have any nasal symptoms including nasal septum deviation, it is suggested to consult to the doctor immediately and take appropriate treatment.

Nasal endoscopy is a safe and risk free procedure. Usually the doctor gives local anesthesia with a spray atomizer before doing the procedure.