Post operative care and Hospital stay
After the surgery the patient is put on intravenous antibiotics for 2 days and after that it is changed to oral antibiotics at the time of discharge from the hospital. The antibiotics are generally continued for 10 days along with some pain relieving medicines for initial 3-5 days.
Post operatively patient stays in the hospital for two. On the first post operative day X-ray of the mastoid region is done for the documentation of the implant position.

On second day dressing is removed and wound is checked for any swelling, infection, hematoma or any collection of fluid. Fresh dressing and bandage is applied under aseptic and sterile conditions. The patient is discharged on the second post operative day with certain precautions which have to be maintained. Suture removal is done between 8-10 days after the surgery.
Earlier switch on of the device was done after 3weeks but now studies have shown that one can do early switch on that is it can be done just after suture removal also.
In case of emergency like if patient gets cold or some trauma occurs at the site of implant then patient’s attendants can directly contact the doctor.
Few days back, got ulcers on the throat due to which unable to even inhale or eat or drink anything. Come to Dr. Satinder and really it was really a safest and quickest treatment i got and started normal diet within 3 days.