Silent Reflux

What is silent reflux?

Gastro-oesophageal reflux is a condition where stomach acid or digestive juices flow back up from the stomach into the throat thereby causing irritation and inflammation of the tissues of pharynx and larynx(voice box). When this occurs without the frank symptoms of acid reflux like pain in throat or burning sensation in throat then it is silent reflux.

There are various factors that can cause reflux including obesity, bad dietary habits, irregular sleep cycle, smoking, alcohol consumption, a hiatal hernia, or a weakened lower oesophageal sphincter (LES).

If left untreated, silent reflux can lead to chronic throat and voice problems, such voice fatigue, frequent throat clearing, chronic inflammation of vocal cords, hoarseness and granulomas.

At our centre, we do comprehensive evaluation of your symptoms which includes taking detailed medical history, doing physical examination and endoscopy(laryngoscopy and trans nasal esophagoscopy) to diagnose & assess the severity of the silent reflux properly.

Depending on the severity of the reflux treatment plan is offered which may include the following options

Lifestyle Modifications: this generally includes changes in dietary habits, weight reduction, avoid smoking, and avoiding trigger foods and beverages, such as spicy, fatty, or acidic foods, caffeine, carbonated drinks (soda)and alcohol.

Medications: These are acid-reducing drugs, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), H2 blockers, or antacids, to neutralize or reduce the amount of acid in your stomach. prokinetic agents or mucosa protecting medicines may also be included to improve gastric motility or protect the lining of your throat.

Surgery: In some although rare cases where other modalities of treatment fail or there are some anatomical abnormalities, surgical interventions may be required.