What are symptoms of LPR (laryngopharyngeal reflux)?
First of all, let’s see what is LPR? It is basically a condition in which the acid of the stomach
comes up to the throat leading to the irritation and inflammation of the structures of larynx
and pharynx. It is also called silent reflux because it may not present with the typical
symptoms of, acid reflux. The common symptoms of this condition are:
1. Frequent throat clearing
2. Sore throat
3. Chronic cough
4. Patient may have change in voice
5. Sensation of something sticking in the throat
6. Sensation of lump in the throat
7. It may present sometimes with bitter taste at the back of throat.
Few days back, got ulcers on the throat due to which unable to even inhale or eat or drink anything. Come to Dr. Satinder and really it was really a safest and quickest treatment i got and started normal diet within 3 days.